Community groups in Geelong concerned about climate are coming together at Geelong West Town Hall on 9 May 2024 to explore what they will have to say and do to get heard.
The organisers write:
Ocean, land and air temperatures are shattering all records as Earth parachutes into a new hostile climate of ever-increasing warming and ecological collapse. Australians are losing their homes and livelihoods to floods, bushfires and hurricanes. Recent research shows that one in four Australian children aged 10-14 years believe the world will end before they grow up.
Meanwhile, politicians and media seem to believe they can simply continue with business-as-usual in favour of opening up new fossil fuel projects and increasing Australia's fossil fuel exports.
What do we do? How do we stop our leaders from playing with fire and jeopardising our future? What do we - the voters and residents of Colac and Corangamite electorates - have to say and do to get heard on this issue?
The purpose of this meeting is to learn what our current elected representatives and new political players in the field have to say on this topic, and to get together as a community around our demand for real climate action.

Speakers, among others:
Sue Barrett - strategist who successfully led Voices of Goldstein’s and Zoe Daniel's remarkable 2022 election campaign
Dr Jeanne Nel - governance scholar and founding member of CoolGeelong
Jenna Wade - community activator and Norlane resident
Robert Patterson - co-founder of ADAC and
The event will be streamed live on The Sustainable Hour’s Facebook page.
► Sign up on
Thursday 9 May 2024 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm in the Geelong West Town Hall, 153 Pakington Street, Geelong West

Current warming trends already represent a major change to Earth systems that cannot be reversed on any human time scale. It's time we take this seriously and listen to what the science says is needed to secure a safe future for all.